Praise Jam Orchestra

Praise Jam Orchestra

Imagine a fun, jammin' chart, not just for your praise band or jazz ensemble, but for your full orchestra. It's not a dream - here they are!

Each chart comes with parts for: 

Flute 1-2, Oboe, Clarinet 1-2, Trumpet 1-2, Trumpet 3, Horn 1-2, Alto Sax 1-2(doubles Horn)
Trombone 1-2, Tenor Sax(doubles Trombone 1-2), Trombone 3-Tuba, Bari Sax(doubles Tuba)
Violin 1-2, Viola, Clarinet 3 (doubles Viola), Cello-Bass, Bass Clarinet (doubles Cello), String Reduction
Piano, Rhythm, Drums, Percussion, Tympani, Conductor's Score

Strings are optional in these arrangements. Have a player with no part? Part transpositions are free - just ask!

Blessed Be
Your Name


Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing


Give Thanks


Happy Day


Lord, I Lift Your Name On High


Lord, Reign In Me


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel


The Little
Drummer Boy


Praise Jam Orchestra Collection
